Emissions Trading / Carbon Market News (18/10/2021)

Dear Sir or Madam,

the high energy prices have meanwhile also reached those responsible in the European Union. The EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson expressed concern about the current price development and called it an exceptional situation. Kadri Simson also named the economic upswing and the associated demand for energy as drivers.

Since revenues from CO2 emissions trading increased by almost 11 billion euros across the EU in the first nine months of the year, funds from this could be used to take measures to support households that suffer particularly due to low incomes. With regard to short-term individual measures, however, Brussels referred to the national responsibilities of the EU member states.

The price development on the European market for CO2 emission rights showed a sideways movement in the past trading week, which, however, showed an increase of almost 2% compared to the previous week’s closing price. The mark of 60 euros, which is important in terms of market psychology, could not be maintained, although the price was repeatedly above it.

  (Average Quotes Exchange / OTC)   
EUA (Spot-Market)58.29 EUR59.41 EUR+1.12 EUR
EUA (December-2021-Future)58.33 EUR59.44 EUR+1.11 EUR
CER (Voluntary Spot-Market ø)3.50 USD3.50 USD+0.00 USD
VER (Gold Standard Spotmarkt ø)14.49 USD14.49 USD+0.00 USD
ICE Brent Crude Oil (Benchmark Future)82.50 USD84.82 USD+2.32 USD
EURO (Currency, Forex)1.1580 USD1.1598 USD+0.0018 USD

(The average exchange quotes and OTC-prices shows the average between bids and ask of several exchanges and OTC markets for carbon emission rights in the ETS. Bid and ask has usually in Spot Market a visible spread. CERs and VERs are average prices in the voluntary carbon offsetting market (eco securities). Crude Oil and Euro Currency shows day-end-exchange quotes. This market information has just an informational character and are no advice or offer to trade carbon emission rights or their futures and options. If you want to unsubscribe, please reply to this mail.)

Please call our international carbon desk if any further questions exist: +49.2831.1348220.

With kind regards,

Advantag Services GmbH