Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!












Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the end of this year, we have to say thank you for the good collaboration.

We wish you reflective holidays and a successful start into the New Year!

Instead of post cards or gifts, we support with our voluntary offsetting of 50 Tons

Carbon emissions CDM project 6943 in India, which reduces every year 2.3 million

tons of carbon emissions.


With best regards,



Emissions Trading / Carbon Market News (2017-12-18)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Sometimes it´s paradoxical, which small matter themes come up to the daily news reports and which themes become ignored. The US weather authority NOAA showed in their 2017 report, that the current arctic warming is without example in the past 1,500 years. The warming of the arctic has the double speed than the rest of our planet, what was not the case since 2,000 years. The average surface temperature in 2017 was the second warmest since the year 1900. Finally, it leads to the fact, that the arctic ice becomes thinner and the thicker ice is comprising only 21% of the ice cover compared to45% in 1985.

The legendary Club of Rome confirmed also in his 2017 report with the title “Come on!”, that the human hunger for commodities and energy will lead to a collapse of the systems, if we don’t act now.

In the past week, the quotes of European carbon emission allowances became a little under pressure, what brought them below the level of seven Euros on the last two days of the week. But the final quotation last Friday showed much more relaxed at 7.18 Euro and confirmed the seven Euro support level on weekly basis.


(Average Quotes Exchange / OTC)
Instrument 2017-12-15 2017-11-08 Change
EUA (Spotmarket) 7.18 EUR 7.14 EUR +0.04 EUR
EUA (December-2017-Future) 7.18 EUR 7.14 EUR +0.04 EUR
CER (Spotmarket) 0.17 EUR 0.17 EUR +0.00 EUR
ICE Brent Crude Oil (Benchmark Future) 63.24 USD 63.30 USD -0.06 USD
EURO (Currency, Forex) 1.1753 USD 1.1773 USD -0.0020 USD

(The average exchange quotes and OTC-prices shows the average between bids and ask of several exchanges and OTC markets for carbon emission rights in the ETS. Bid and ask have usually in Spot Market a visible spread. CER CP1 and ERU are eligible in ETS until end of March 2015 and must be swapped into EUA. Crude Oil and Euro Currency shows day-end-exchange quotes. These market information has just an informational character and are no advice or offer to trade carbon emission rights or their futures and options. If you want to unsubscribe, please reply to this mail.)

Please call our international carbon desk if any further questions exist: +49.2831.1348220 or +44.20.79790283.



With kind regards,


Advantag Services GmbH

Emissions Trading / Carbon Market News (2017-12-11)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The CO2 market was dominated by bearish influences in the past week. Since there was no new impetus from the policy, the traders apparently oriented more strongly on the energy complex. The price trend on the oil market was the significant impulse here as the release of stock data from the United States sent oil prices strongly down. Although the price of crude oil recovered quickly thanks to strong import data from China, the carbon market on Friday did not yet follow this counter movement. Instead, apparently automated sales orders have further put the price under pressure. As a result, the oil price changed little at the end of the week, while European pollution rights signed much lighter.

Today’s trading day marks the start of the last week of this year’s auction calendar. It would therefore not be particularly surprising if the CO2 price were now set to recover, too.


(Average Quotes Exchange / OTC)
Instrument 2017-12-08 2017-12-01 Change
EUA (Spotmarket) 7.14 EUR 7.68 EUR -0.54 EUR
EUA (December-2017-Future) 7.14 EUR 7.68 EUR -0.54 EUR
CER (Spotmarket) 0.17 EUR 0.17 EUR +0.00 EUR
ICE Brent Crude Oil (Benchmark Future) 63.30 USD 63.72 USD -0.42 USD
EURO (Currency, Forex) 1.1773 USD 1.1890 USD -0.0117 USD

(The average exchange quotes and OTC-prices shows the average between bids and ask of several exchanges and OTC markets for carbon emission rights in the ETS. Bid and ask have usually in Spot Market a visible spread. CER CP1 and ERU are eligible in ETS until end of March 2015 and must be swapped into EUA. Crude Oil and Euro Currency shows day-end-exchange quotes. These market information has just an informational character and are no advice or offer to trade carbon emission rights or their futures and options. If you want to unsubscribe, please reply to this mail.)

Please call our international carbon desk if any further questions exist: +49.2831.1348220 or +44.20.79790283.



With kind regards,


Advantag Services GmbH

Emissions Trading / Carbon Market News (2017-12-04)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya from Peru took a further hurdle for his lawsuit against the German coal power plant operator RWE, because the relevant Higher Regional Court in Hamm acknowledged the case and did mandate the taking of evidence. This means, that the court has accepted the arguments of the plaintiff. RWE is the operator of the coal plant Niederaussern in North Rine-Westphalia, which is with 26.3 million tons the biggest German emitter of carbon dioxide and theoretical responsible on juristic point of view for that part of damages, caused by climate change. Because of the existence-threatening results of climate change in the Peruvian Andes mountains, he claims partial 17,000 Euro from RWE to accomplish with help from environmental organization Germanwatch a worldwide observed precedential case.

Last week, the quotes of European carbon pollution rights (EUA) was traded in a range between 7.45 and 7.82 Euro and closed at 7.68 Euro. This is a small loss of 0.09 Euro per ton against the previous week.


(Average Quotes Exchange / OTC)
Instrument 2017-12-01 2017-11-24 Change
EUA (Spotmarket) 7.68 EUR 7.77 EUR -0.09 EUR
EUA (December-2017-Future) 7.68 EUR 7.77 EUR -0.09 EUR
CER (Spotmarket) 0.17 EUR 0.17 EUR +0.00 EUR
ICE Brent Crude Oil (Benchmark Future) 63.72 USD 63.42 USD +0.30 USD
EURO (Currency, Forex) 1.1890 USD 1.1930 USD -0.0040 USD

(The average exchange quotes and OTC-prices shows the average between bids and ask of several exchanges and OTC markets for carbon emission rights in the ETS. Bid and ask have usually in Spot Market a visible spread. CER CP1 and ERU are eligible in ETS until end of March 2015 and must be swapped into EUA. Crude Oil and Euro Currency shows day-end-exchange quotes. These market information has just an informational character and are no advice or offer to trade carbon emission rights or their futures and options. If you want to unsubscribe, please reply to this mail.)

Please call our international carbon desk if any further questions exist: +49.2831.1348220 or +44.20.79790283.



With kind regards,


Advantag Services GmbH