Green Electricity

Energy sup­pli­ers have an oblig­a­tion to pub­lish their energy sup­ply mix. It is becoming more common for con­sumers to want a choice on how the energy they con­sume was gen­er­ated. Some con­sumers choose to exclude nuclear power, oth­ers choose to reduce their car­bon foot­print. Nevertheless, All elec­tric­ity is how­ever trans­ported over the same grid and is there­fore always a mix of green and non-green elec­tric­ity. It is possible to track back energy con­sump­tion to the gen­er­a­tion source with a cer­tifi­cate track­ing system.

Guar­an­tees of Ori­gin (GOO) and Renew­able Energy Cer­tifi­cates (REC) sep­a­rate the green value from the phys­i­cal elec­tric­ity. These cer­tifi­cates pro­vide a reli­able track­ing sys­tem to match pro­duc­tion with consumption.

We are pleased to trade in the fol­low­ing products:

 GoO (Guar­an­tee of Origin)

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion feel free to con­tact our consultants.