Climate and environmental protection as well as sustainability are values that we are actively committed to and which are the ongoing motivation for our work.
We are of the opinion that investing in global climate protection measures, financed by emission certificates, is a much cheaper alternative for mankind than the costs caused by natural disasters – triggered or intensified by climate change.
The fact that global warming is being accelerated by greenhouse gases – above all CO2 – is an irrefutable fact. It is also a fact that the goal of peaceful coexistence between peoples is becoming more and more distant when global warming creates additional trouble spots due to lack of water and poor harvests.
On the other hand, there is enormous potential for opportunities in fulfilling the tasks that companies will face as a result of global warming and, of course, emissions trading. Due to the need to develop climate-friendly means of production, systems and processes, European companies can be more and more innovative and thus continue to be global pioneers, which is an extremely important factor in the American and Asian competitive situation in particular. Because development only comes through change.
The Advantag team consists of experienced exchange traders who have a wealth of experience in trading emission certificates, in particular EUAs (European Union Allowances), EUAAs (European union Aviation Allowances) CERs (Certified Emission Reductions), VERs (Verified Emission Reductions) and GoO (Guarantees of Origin). These emission rights are traded on various exchanges and marketplaces around the world. Advantag carries out bilateral proprietary transactions and has a worldwide network of selected trading partners.
In addition, Advantag has been a successful company for many years, which guarantees its business partners the necessary trade security.
Together with our customers and business partners, we are working to implement the European and global climate targets and to reduce a further increase in global warming through our services and ideas.
Through our work, we want to contribute to making economically sensible decisions that achieve positive ecological effects.
The global emissions trading system currently being set up must be implemented as quickly as possible so that, on the one hand, far greater effects can be achieved and, on the other hand, there are no companies that are disadvantaged by emissions trading in their country compared to other regions.
Climate protection is not only our core business, it also plays an important role in corporate social responsibility. We also pay attention to sustainability and the use of renewable energies in our work. We offset our own CO2 footprint through selected climate protection projects and our fleet only contains electrically powered vehicles, in which the manufacturers fully offset the carbon emissions of the electricity volumes by additionally feeding in electricity generated in a climate-neutral manner.
Do you want to find out more? Then get in contact with us!